Will The Ashley Madison Leak Increase Divorce Rates?
By Moskowitz Law Group, LLC |There are many causes for divorce, and each case is different. But one cause that is common across the board is that of infidelity. When a spouse steps outside their marriage for companionship, it often means the end of the union. Unfortunately, not every spouse is made aware of when their mate is involved in an extramarital relationship. Well, unless that relationship was fostered by a website known for helping married people have affairs. The Ashley Madison site is just that type of site, and its motto is that “life is short, have an affair”. However, the site was recently hacked, and lists of users have been made publicly known. With the ability to search the internet to learn if your spouse had an account on Ashely Madison, it is reasonable to think that if a person were to find their spouse’s name on the list, divorce would soon follow.
The news has been filled with stories about the leak, reporting on everything from celebrities with accounts, to suicides that are being attributed to the leak. On the issue of divorce, it seems the first case has been filed as a result of the Ashley Madison list being made public. A woman in England has sought legal advice, and the news is that she did so as a result of her husband having been a member of the site. If this case actually gets filed, it will be the first divorce linked to the leak, but certainly not the last.
Filing for divorce is never an easy decision, and when the circumstances are like these, emotions will run even higher than usual. In order to make sure you do not let your emotions take over, speak with a skilled family law attorney to learn your options. Issues of child custody and support, asset division, and how debt is apportioned will have to be addressed and doing so with a clear head will allow you to make beneficial contributions to your case. We take your matter seriously, and work with you for satisfactory results; regardless of the cause for your split. Contact us today to learn more about the divorce process, and what you can expect during your case.
For more information about divorce, call an experienced family law attorney for answers to your questions. We can be reached online at http://www.moskowitzlaw.com. Call today to schedule an appointment.